
The main purpose of Island Grove Chorus is to get out and sing for our community. We sing with the Abington Town Choir and the Abington Community Band at Christmas and sometimes in the summer. We sing at assisted living groups, senior centers, women's groups 55 plus communities and really anyplace that will hire us to enjoy our music. We perform a fall and Christmas show every year. Every other year we compete at the Region One Sweet Adelines Competition. We perform in the Open Division in which we use our skills to put on an entertaining package.

We are always looking to improve our sound. We go twice a year to Regionals and take classes on a myriad of things from vocal instruction to performance. We have coaches come to help us become a better chorus.


Every year Region One holds a competition. Choruses and quartets from the Region participate and the winners get to go to an International Competition. Island Grove Chorus competes every other year in the Open Division. We love going to Competion to watch all the other choruses and quartets. We enjoy the Open Division because we like to use our creative juices to put on an entertaining package.


Many choruses have quartets that sing with the chorus and perform on their own. Island Grove has The Fourmidables quartet and we are very proud of them.


island Grove chorus is a chapter of Sweet Adelines International, a non profit organization of approximately 21,000 members, and 480 choruses and 800 quartets worldwide. Their headquarters are in Tulsa, Oklahoma.